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Lidingö stadsbibliotek

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Welcome to Lidingö Municipal Library!

The library is an open meeting place where everyone is welcome. At the library you can browse our selection of books, films and music or take a seat in one of our reading chairs and relax while reading your favourite magazine.

You also have the possibility to learn and explore through our non-fiction books and databases. Enjoy a children's play or story telling with your kids. Listen to a renowned author or an interesting lecture, research your family with our genealogy databases or study for your exams.

How can I use the library?

At the library you can borrow books, films, magazines and more. It is free of charge to borrow books and other materials. To check out you use the self-service machines located near the information desk at the library. Don't hesitate to ask the staff if you need any help.

How can I apply for a library card?

If you want to use the library you need to have a library card. To get a library card you need to have a Swedish postal address and valid identification with your date of birth printed on it, preferably a passport. If you have a Swedish Personnummer you need to bring a valid Swedish identification, such as an ID-card, driver's license or passport. When you write your signature on the library card you agree to follow the library's terms and conditions.

Your library card is for personal use only. You are personally responsible for books and other items checked out with your library card until they are returned to the library.

When you apply for a library card you undertake to:

  • Return checked out books and other items at the latest on the due date printed on your receipt. You will be charged a fee if the loan period is overdue.
  • Immediately report a lost library card to the library. You are responsible for the replacement of a lost library card.
  • Be responsible for checked out books and other items.
  • Pay a replacement fee if any books or other items checked out are lost or damaged.
  • Obey any other lending terms or rules applied in the library.

If you fail to follow the terms you can be suspended from using your library card.

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